Thursday, March 24, 2011

What You Know, It's Unknown

          I've had a rough week. Many things caused that, but one of the reasons for my terrible week, was the last book I read. After countless attempts to handle moving on from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, I read petty books all week and now don't have anything I feel is worth a blog, so lets role with this. 
         Something that I've noticed happening a lot in the bloggy-blog world that we live in, is that people really only respond to the blogs on books they know of, or the blogs of people they like. This is something I find mind bottling. People are so resistant of things they don't know. It makes them lazy, scared, confused. I can't even name how many times I've seen people stare in horror at the food in my fridge (I had no idea dumplings were so horrific).
          Being someone who is sort of obsessed with psychology, I had to do a think about why the unknown is so unfathomable (I like that word, don't I?). The thing about explaining the unknown, is that it's very simple. We don't like the unknown because we cannot understand it.
          We, as a race, do not like being ignorant. We don't like to have information withheld from us. We thrive on gossip, on facts, and on language. We need to know whats going on at all times. We feed on knowledge.
          I believe that even the people who say they don't care about education or learning are delusional, because what they are saying is that they don't like to understand. Everyone wants to understand, but sometimes they just can't. The way people deal with that is by being lazy or using fear and confusion to fuel their ignorance.
          Some of the best blogposts I have read, have been on books I had never heard of. I didn't even need a summary because the post it's self was so good. When there is unknown, people jump to conclusions. Good or bad, right and wrong. When looking before you leap isn't an option, don't look. When you've landed, you can make a decision.

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