Thursday, February 10, 2011

This was About Something Short

Where I am in my book, This Boys Life, there is this long section about this family that Toby meets, and he describes each and every person with deep detail. I wonder, as this is a memoir of his entire life, why was this family so important. And then I got it.

It isn't the how important events are, it's what they mean to you as a person. This family that Toby meets is just something that he must have felt, and stuck to him. Probably the wish that this was his family.

You know what that reminds me of? Dreams. Sometimes I dont remember big ones, but I remember the ones that dont make sense. I guess it's so I can figure them out? Maybe because I wish I could have that dream

Also the family is simple and nice. I also think that Toby just wanted to remember something as simple as a nice family.

Thats what the world needs sometimes, just something sweet and simple. The mind is so complex and fascinating . That has to be a very intersting prosses, when you write a full life memior, and to discover what is important, that you may have forgoten. I wonder how Toby chose what to write about, and I wonder what he left out?

I guess when it comes to showing your memories, its a game of pick and choose, because some fit and others done, and its up to you to dicide what goes where.


  1. Hmmm... Interesting thoughts. It's funny how the weirdest things can stick with you. I know that the memories and dreams I remember are the ones that evoke strong emotion in me like fear or pride or love ect. I never thought of remembering something just for it's simplicity. Now that I think about it though it really makes sense. Remembering something ordinary so you can hang on to it. You are so smart Sophia. Always making me think about things differently. This post is beautiful as always.
    <3 Miranda

  2. This post reminded of MY dreams, which meander back and forth until someone gets punched in the head. But, in all seriousness, great to see your chain of thought and nice work.

  3. Yeah Peter, thats pretty much how my thoughts work. Seriously.
