Thursday, February 3, 2011

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Mind Blowing

          In the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, Oskar, a nine year old child, losses his father in the 9/11 attack. He certainly changes. However his trauma is not what I want to talk about. 
         Filling this book, among the collection of utterly amazing and extremely disturbing photographs, are Oskar's ideas. His theories and inventions. One particular paragraph that I knew I had to write about, was a invention. The paragraph basically goes like this "In bed I invented a drain that would be under everyones pillow, and when people cried it would all go to the same place. That way, in the morning, the weather man could tell if New York was particularly sad that night".
         There is something very comforting about the knowledge that other people, are in the same place as you. The conformation that you are not doing anything out of the ordinary. There is safety in numbers no? And going on a completely emotional and metaphorical sense, that is saying, that the knowledge that you are not alone is what keeps you stable.
         I dont think Oskar feels that he has anyone, and that no one knows him.
         All this kid desires is that knowledge. And it's mind blowing, because the thing is is that there are 100's, THOUSANDS of New Yorkers who knows how he feels. He is currently going through every person in New York with the last name Black. I have a prediction that he will find someone along the way of this hunt, that knows exactly what he is going through, and when he does, he will finally be able to let go. At least understand.
          I cannot wait until I finish this book. Falling apart and coming together. It's most definitely the theme. I just need some proof. For once, this might be fun


  1. I mostly agree with you. Mostly.
    But I think that the drain under the pillow is more about the finding of other people, other people who are also sad and less about being comforted by other people's tears. I think that the tears are sort of something (lots of s's there...) that can guide Oskar to the person that he's searching for, by knowing that they, too, are in the same prediciment.

    PS. I love this book.

  2. Ah Lilabet, but dont you see? By finding others, by seeing the other people in his predicament, he would be comforted.
